v1.24 - We added bounce rate & admin bar stats

This update brings two exciting new features to IA as well as a host of small improvements.

Bounce Rate

The first thing you'll notice is the new Bounce Rate metric:

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Bounce Rate tells you the percentage of visitors who only viewed one page before leaving the site. It's great for getting a high-level understanding of engagement. Make sure to check the bounce rate for your referrers and campaigns in addition to your pages and overall bounce rate.

Admin Bar stats

Another feature you'll find in v1.24 is the new Admin Bar stats.

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The stats show up on the front end of the site as well as in the post editor. This makes it easy to see how many views the current page has had today, yesterday, and the last 30 days.

No more deactivation feedback

We made a handful of other small improvements, but one that stands out is the removal of the deactivation popup. This would normally show up when deactivating IA, asking for a reason for the deactivation.

This is included by Freemius by default, but we found that the feedback wasn't as useful as we'd hoped, and it's pretty annoying for everyone. For those reasons, we stripped it out completely, so you won't be pestered by it again.

What's next?

There are two features we'd like to add in the next release.

First, the Pages per Session metric has been highly requested, so we're going to add that to wrap up our series of new metrics.

And second, we're going to update the Geographic menu so that the table can be grouped by country.  We don't want to get rid of city-level data, but most people would prefer to see a list of countries, and we want to make that possible.

Further down the line, we still have our sights set on Saved Reports, Event Tracking, and Outbound Click Tracking, so you can look forward to those additions in the coming months.