v1.29 - Device data is here!

Today's release adds the most highly-requested feature yet - device data!

Once you update to version 1.29, you'll find the new Devices report in your dashboard:

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As you can see, it's similar to the other reports, but in the data table, you'll find the device types used to access your site.

Device tracking only begins once you update to v1.29, so the sooner you get onto the new version, the sooner you'll start seeing data in your dashboard.

The default view of this report includes device types and their associated metrics:

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This makes it easy to compare traffic and engagement from one device type to the next.

You can also use the Grouping button to switch between device types, browsers, and OSes.

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Changing the grouping to Browser will reveal your visitor's browsers in the data table.

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And for our WooCommerce users running Independent Analytics Pro, you might find it useful to compare sales and conversion rates between device types and browsers.

Custom colors for email reports

If you're using Independent Analytics Pro, you'll also want to check out the new custom colors for the email report.

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With just a few clicks, you can update the colors in the email report to match your brand (or your client's).

Here's what's next

We're going to keep things rolling in version 1.30 with a few more practical features.

First, we'll be adding table columns for Entrances, Exits, and Exit % to the Pages menu. Rather than creating an entirely new Landing Pages report, we thought it'd be better to keep all the existing data available in the Pages menu, while also making it possible to sort by Entrances to uncover your top landing pages.

Next, we're going to add WooCommerce data to the Pages menu (Pro only). This will let you do things like view the conversion rate of individual pages.

Lastly, we're going to add a CSV export button to the toolbar. Right now, the CSV options are sorely lacking, so with this new feature, you'll be able to export whatever data you're looking at in the dashboard to CSV format.