Version 2.2 - PDF Exporting, UI Enhancements, & WC Landing Pages

After the massive 2.1 update, we're happy to have settled into a more regular update routine again. Update version 2.2 brings a variety of improvements, with these major changes, which we'll highlight here.

UI enhancements

The first thing you'll notice is that the interface has a fresh new look:

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While many of the edits were purely cosmetic, there are a few notable changes. First, the Edit Columns button and Grouping button have been moved out of the toolbar and above the data table. Second, you can now plainly read your active filters in the toolbar:

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And lastly, there's a new Download Report option, which includes options to download both CSV and PDF copies of your report.

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PDF Exports

As you can see in the screenshot above, there's now an option to export any report as a PDF. This should prove handy for anyone looking for an easy way to share a report with stakeholders who don't have analytics access.

Here's an example report:
browsers.pdf 518.85 KB

WooCommerce landing page data

The WooCommerce data columns were omitted from the Pages report up until now because we weren't sure how to handle attribution. After speaking with some of our Pro users, it became clear that the sales should be attributed to the landing page.

Now, when you enable columns like Orders or Net Sales in the Pages menu, you'll be able to see the values referred from each page:

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If you see a page with a sale, that means it was the landing page i.e. the first page in the session that led to a sale. This will be particularly useful for any who creates SEO content because you'll be able to see how many sales each article is directly responsible for creating.

Other notable changes

If your website uses an RTL language, you'll be happy to know that we have updated the styles, and the interface is now fully compatible with RTL languages:

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Another update that may be important to WC users is that the Checkout Success page is now tracked separately from the Checkout page. For technical reasons, these were viewed as the same page up until now, but moving forward, you'll see the views separate into these two different pages.

Under the Analytics menu item, you'll see that the Settings and Campaign Builder links are now available there. We will be removing these links from the report sidebar in the next update.

What's next?

Version 2.3 is going to include a variety of small enhancements and some additional UI updates. Then, we'll be prepared to add form submission tracking in version 2.4.