Version 2.5 - Automated Form Tracking is Here!


  • Feature: Form tracking added to Independent Analytics Pro!
  • Feature: Quick Stats can now be toggled on/off and saved
  • Feature: Added all WooCommerce metrics into the Quick Stats (pro only)
  • Feature: Added option to change the date range in the view counter shortcode
  • Feature: Added the Views column to custom post type menus too
  • Update: Recognizing more WC order statuses as complete, such as “shipped” and “delivered”
  • Update: Integrated with SearchIQ plugin to recognize its search queries
  • Update: Updated all translations (pro only)
  • Update: Changelog menu now says “New” in its notification instead of using a number
  • Update: Unminified copies of all JS files are included to comply with OSS guidelines
  • Update: Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.7.2
  • Fix: Resolved conflict with the WP Activity Log plugin
  • Fix: Custom colors weren’t working in email report when viewed in Outlook on a Windows PC
  • Fix: Email report subject line was misleading for weekly and daily reports
  • Fix: Email report monthly re-scheduling could be off by a day
  • Fix: UI fixes for filters and save button
  • Fix: Sorting the Views column in the Posts menu wasn’t working
  • Fix: Renamed some elements to prevent conflicts with plugins loading Bootstrap.css
  • Fix: Wildcards are recognized when checking if the current IP is blocked
  • Fix: Timezone issue with Beirut could cause data to go missing from the chart
  • Fix: Prevent error upon installation for sites with long DB prefixes