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Version 2.6 - All Metrics Added to the Chart + Bricks Builder Integration
Feature: All metrics can now be displayed in the chart!
Feature: Added Bricks Builder integration for form tracking
Feature: Added ARForms integration for form tracking
Update: View counter shortcode can use all the ranges available in the date picker
Update: Improvements to session tracking accuracy
Update: Added support for WPML Multi-currency
Update: Updated IP-to-geolocation library
Fix: Added compatibility with MySQL over SSL
Fix: Monthly email reports could get sent a day earlier or late
Fix: Message about WP Hardening blocking the REST API was showing even when the REST API wasn’t blocked
Fix: Some English text wasn’t getting translated
Fix: Error with Shield Security REST API check
Fix: Error with WP Cerber REST API check
Fix: Remove warning about Perfmatters REST API check
Fix: Prevent SQL error triggered when updating large menus
Fix: Style conflict with WP Analytify affecting the dashboard widget
Fix: Removed the “Views” column added to the Elementor Templates menu
Fix: Calendar display was broken for RTL websites